Lord Shiva delegated Sage Durvasa to revive the principles of Shiva Agama Shastra.He branched it into Advaita, Dvaita and Dvaitadvaita.The knowledge was imparted to the little Princess of Ayodhya.Though holding Nepal genesis, she instigated it in North Kerala as a Yogini.Her tradition was initially diffused by Siddha Yogeeshwara Kumaras.Later Amritanda Yogi and at present his embodiment, Sri Nadanta.
Literally the nomenclatures,
'Krishanadatta' depicts 'the one who is gifted by the blessings Lord Krishna' and 'Parashraya' designates 'the Brahma Kshatriya who took refuge on Para' or 'the one who is elevated to the divine morale of Brahman with the blessings of Para'; whereas 'Neelakanta indicates name Lord Shiva . Swamiji is entitled as Nadanta Ananda Natha whilst the deeksha and Pari poorna kalalsham ceremony, amidst his Sri Vidya Sadhana culmination.
'Nadanta' refers to 'Nataraja, an incarnation of Shiva and the god of dramatic arts'. The etymological meaning, 'end of the sound' portrays the phase when Nada dissolves into Energy for the attainment of Samadhi (Contemplation). 'Ananda Natha' connotes 'the one who experiences bliss in Natha Tradition, whose origin is from ancient Siddha Sampradaya'.
Swamiji from the Nayar Naga lineage , Nayar Brahma kshatriya with its fusion of kshatriya valor and Brahmanical wisdom, has been a bastion of spiritual leadership and protection in Aryavarta since the time immemorial. Sage Asthika, played a vital role in maintaining the balance of dharma, ensuring the preservation of sacred knowledge and guiding humanity towards spiritual enlightment. His teaching and enduring power of Naga heritage flow through Meppad Madom (ASTIHIKA ASHRAMA), making it a center of profound spiritual practice and transformation.
Swamiji's mother akin to Nayar Warrior family named Puthiyottill Nairs , subsequently renowned as Puthiyaveettil which is related to kunnoth Thayathe Veettil possess the genealogy of Kolabari Gotra like Bunts in Karnataka titled Yajmane/Yashmanan. Hence they inherit the copious heritage of Naga kula (Surya Upavamsha) and also related to Chandra Vamsha through their Pandya lineage of Alupas (Pandya Dhanajaya). Swamiji Father cognates with Meppad Tradition through his father Meppad kammaran Gurukkal, related to Kulangara edam and mixture of Payyanadan Nairs and Yadava Nairs of Ambadi kireeyam nd Odangara Traditon and . Naga vamshi Kshatriyas aggrandized to Brahmins by Adi Keshava (Kshatropeta Dvija) of Angira Ambarisha Yuvanswa Trayarshaya Rishi pravara/Harita Gotra. 'Parashraya' signifies 'the Brahma kshatriya who take refuge or depends on Para Shakti'.
In Kerala, most of the Brahmins were Vaishnavas and Shaivas.
The scarcity of Shaktas were on account of their non-veg rituals in Yamala practices and Atharava Veda Sampradaya.
Eventually they lost their recognition, when Shaktism deteriorated in North Kerala. Parashraya Brahmins were degraded as Parasharar Sat Shudra, because of their Pancha Makara practice.